Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Ethical Standards for YouTube Video & Demo Makers – Independent Investigation Report of the MRIS

Last Updated on January 16, 2024 by

If we look back to our experiences with YouTube video and demo makers we are asking the question, do not many of these people who do this have hardly any ethical standards? And is not the goal of many to have as many views as possible in partnership with marketing agencies who want to sell products which do not sell somewhere else on YouTube without declaring this, and on the same tome be supported by someone in one way or the other? And would a majority of the supporters or the people who pay for the support agree if they would know all of it, and would want legal changes in one way or the other?

According to our own little experience we suppose that we can get also a lot of views on YouTube by just following and critizise YouTube videos about smartwatches, single board computers and EEG devices on a regular basis on the long-term. We suppose we could get more and more views on this path, and would not a majority of costumers follow us but not the YouTube video makers we critizise?

The Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRSI) shares the ethical values taught by Tibetan Lama Soygal Rhinpoche in the following video:

These ethical values are:

Commit not a single unwholesome action

cultivate a wealth of vertues

and tame this mind of us

Sogyal Rinpoche further says:

How can we do not a single unwholesome action?

If you cannot help others at least do not harm others.

Sogyal Rinpoche took these ethical values derived from the Buddhist teachings. Unfortunately Sogyal Rinpoche himself

“has been accused of sexual and physical assault and abuse, as well as misusing charitable funds, with allegations stretching back to the 1970s.”

Sogyal Rinpoche studied comparative religion at Cambridge we therefore suppose that he was also familiar which Christian values. These values say:

In the 8th chapter of the Gospel of John it says

a woman who has committed adultery is brought before Jesus. When he was asked what should be done, he answered:

“The one who is without sin among you sould be the first to throw a stone at her.”

(John 8:7 in the 2017 version of the Luther Bible)

Sogyal Rinpoche was the founder and spiritual director of Rigpa, and Rigpa was the one who threw a stone at Sogyal Rinpoche in the form of an:

“Independent Investigation Report”

about Sogyal Rinpoche:

And in this report it says:

“Rigpa should take steps to disassociate itself from Sogyal Lakar as fully as is possible”

Matthieu Ricard, a close adviser to the Dalai Lama the 14 th has stated that Sogyal-Lakar’s behaviour, as described in the letter, “is obviously unacceptable — from the point of view of ordinary morality, let alone that of Buddhist ethics. This is all the more so given the considerable suffering that has resulted from such actions.

Would ethical standards for instance derived from the Buddhist and Christian values not also be values which are helpful for YouTube video makers?

Eventually not to get a lot of views immediately, but on the long term, this is our hypothesis.

Or for non-believers ethical standards from a “Independent Investigation Report”?

Our Journal is in that sense an “Independent Investigation Report” since we are reviewers which are independent with no conflict of interest: