Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

099f. Are OpenBCI Cyton, The ADS1299 EEG demo kit ADS1299EEGFE-PDK, HackEEG & PiEEG EEG devices which are buggy?

OpenBCI Cyton is according Robert Oostenveld buggy

«Robert Oostenveld about OpenBCI Cyton: «For me it felt that I was spending more time trying to debug than doing EEG, hence I moved on to other systems»

The bugs Robert Oostenveld found are these.

If we search on Google Scholar of OpenBCI:

  • we can find papers there which use OpenBCI.
  • two of those where eventually triggered by
  • but from what Robert Oostenveld sais we suppose that this is not device suitable to build medical and research grade devices from it.
  • There are eventually some papers which is it for medical and reserach applications, but we know of none which stroke us.
  • We think from what we have learned about OpenBCI that the device can be used to do some experiments.
  • but to build a new device from OpenBCI is not worth it.
  • Scientists which are educated as Electronic Engineers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Zurich build their own devices, as the example of Flavio Frohlich has shown.

The Bugs of ADS1299 EEG demo kit ADS1299EEGFE-PDK from Texas Instruments

  • The bug of this kit is that it is a EEG demo kit and nothing else. – It can be used for demos up to 8 EEG channels
  • Indonesian scientist tried to build out of this EEG devices with up to 32 channels
  • They published this on,t which is a low level journal:

  • But which other scientists took over these developments for their research?
  • We do not no of anyone which is worth mentioning.

  • We suppose that developers who use this kit then build their own devices from scratch.

The bugs of HackEEG

  • on the HackEEG site it says it was used at Stanford and Harward
  • but the bug about it is that HackEEG has not been used to write papers in Nature and Science where researchers from Stanford and Harward sometimes publishes papers.
  • And HackEEG has also not been tested in a journal wich is generally accepted by electronics engineers and after that sold at Disterelec Switzerland.
  • A further bug is that HackEEG is not available anymore.
  • It had and has no community of developers who continued it’s developement.

The Bugs of PiEEG

  • The bug about it is that PiEEG was used in scientific papers published by PiEEG developer Ildar Rakhmatulin
  • But not it is not used to write papers in Nature and Science where researchers from Stanford and Harward sometimes publishes papers.
  • And PiEEG has also not been tested in a journal wich is generally accepted by electronics engineers and after that sold at Disterelec Switzerland.
  • A further bug of PiEEG is not available anymore for further development, and no one seem to continue it’s developement.