Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

1550: Is DC Rainmaker world champion in selling OHRMs?: – was he the one who catched the attention of scientists so that they started testing the Polar OH1 with a g.tec medical device for 50 000 USD?

Was it not DC Raimaker who managed to sell the Polar OH1 even to scientists?

Even scientists became interested in the Polar OH1, and tested the HRM with a 50 000 USD g.tec medical multi-purpose device:

and wrote a paper with it:

Validation of Polar OH1 optical heart rate sensor for moderate and high intensity physical activities

But then Polar made a firmware update of the Polar OH1:

And did as a consequence not many scientists loose their interst in OHRMs? And only 52 seem to be still interested in it: