Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Jeff Geerling is a software developers with a degree in Divinity and Theology – we have new projects for him & other persons with high ethical standards

Last Updated on February 1, 2024 by

Jeff Geerling made a lot of YouTube videos about Pi’s. But now Raspberry Pi eventually goes to the stock market. What does this mean for a software developer with a degree in Divinity and Theology? Can we trust stock markets who only want to make money and do not have any other values?

We are happy that Jeff Geerling has high ethical standard and publishes that he bought all of his Raspberry Pi’s himself, and did not receive them for free from a dubious company which is in danger of going bankrupt. But from whom did Rob ter Horst receive his Polar H10 chest straps?

Raspberry Pi goes to the stock market? Is this in agreement with high ethical standards? If not, the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland is committed to have high ethical standards. We first followed the values of Soygal Rhinoche:

But then we was accused for abuse, and he retired from his ogranization Rigpa from which he was spiritual leader.. Now we follow the ethical standards of the Roman Catholic Church:

Swiss Bishop Maria Bonnemain who does weight lifting in his spare time showed leadership and has anounced that the Roman Catholic Church takes action to prevent further abuse in Swiss Catholic Church, and we welcome him as a guiding star.

So if you want to go to heaven, you and Jeff Geerling and other persons with high ethical standards,
you find a lot of projects in our journal which eventually bring you closer to heaven, and eventually a Nobel Prize in Medicine if all open questions in our journal are answered. And could this pathway not also be interesting for Christof Koch who grew up in a Roman Catholic Church and now investigates Panpsychism:

But we invite all believers in every faith as well as non-belivers to participate in our projects, but only those who have high ethical standards. Others will not be accepted in journal.