Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

20 min of meditation practice leads to objectively measurable changes in the brain – but who do we preceive this?

Richard R. Davidson says the effect of 20 min. meditation meditation practice leads to objectively measurable changes in the brain which can be measured in a brain scanner. But what about the effect on the face of a meditator?

Joseph Maria Bonnemain is a Swiss Roman Catholic Ceric and Bishop of Chur

The effect 20 min meditation practice could be measured in his brain with a brain scanner. but who would a 20 meditation practice affect his face?

Joseph Maria Bonnemain before meditation

Could we see any changes in Joseph Maria Bonnemain face after a 20 practice of meditation?

Is there a scientific study who has investigated this? Do Masters of Yoga and Meditation not give other numbers? Do Yogi Bhajan, Thích Nhất Hạnh, & Dalai Lama the 14 th not talk of around 4 – 5 hours of daily practice to be effective, and nothing else?

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