Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Where can we find the Respiratory Rate Estimation Toolbox in Python?

Last Updated on February 21, 2024 by

Most of the software wihch available for Matlab is also available in Python. An exeption is the Matlab Respiratory Rate Estimation Toolbox of Peter H. Charlton. It is one of the best tool we know to get an accurate respiration rate without devices which cost thousands of dollars.

But unfortunately a Matlab licence costs about 1 000 USD a year.

Matlab toolboxes are an issues for meditators such as Peter Gamma from who prefer Python over Matlab.But fortunatly Talha Iqbal offers a solution for this.

Talha Iqbal, is Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Galway, Ireland:

He calculated the Respiratory Rate (Breathing rate) from PPG or ECG signal in Python:

This is not yet a Python Respiratory Rate Estimation Toolbox in Python. But it is the best YouTube video we know for people who want to calculate the Respiratory Rate (Breathing rate) from PPG or ECG signal in Python.

Talha Iqbal is an excellent coder, as far as we know he received a gold medal for his coding skills as a Communications Engineer Communications Engineer of the COMSATS Institute of Information Technology in Pakistan. But this is only a rumor. Since Peter Gamma from does not refind this information which he sah once somewhere in the web, where all of this was written. What Peter writes here is from his memory.

But Talha Iqbal receives as gold medal for his Respiratory Rate (Breathing rate) from PPG or ECG signal in Python YouTube video from Peter Gamma, Director of the Meditation Research Institute Switerland (MRIS). And Peter hopes that someone makes a Python Respiratory Rate Estimation Toolbox out of it very soon. Since Peter H. Charton, developer of the Respiratory Rate Estimation project is looking for a Python coder who does this job.