Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

To choose the ADS1115 analog to digital converter for building EEG devices?

Last Updated on February 11, 2024 by

The ADS1115 analog to digital converter is on stock on Aliexpress for 5 USD:

It offers four analog to digital converters with 16 bit, which are the requirements for research grade applications. If we choose the ADS1115 instead of the ADS1299 EEG, it is much cheaper. But we need an additional TGAM module for each channel which is available for 20 USD on Aliexpress. And then we can build devices with more than four channels by joining sensor data of multiple channels from multiple chips in InfluxDB:

OpenBCI with 8 channels are available on Aliexpress for around 200 USD the cable version. A device with 8 channels built from the ADS1115 chip and 8 TGAM modules is around 200 USD as well. The OpenBCI modules on Aliexpress are scattered in costs, which is a sign that sellers do stock marked with those. We suppose the risk for stock market speculation is lower with the ADS1115 chip than with the ADS1299 EEG chip.