Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Tibetan Buddhist monks who have visions and medical doctors who give diagnosis – open questions (joke by the MRIS)

Last Updated on December 29, 2023 by

At 25:00 in the video Loten Dahortsang says:

When the Dalai Lama the 13. th died monks meditated on the oracle lake near Lhasa. The lake opened like a curtain and the monks saw a road and a village where they found the reincarnated Dalai Lama the

Did other people next to the monks see the road and the village which has lead those to the Dalai Lama the as well? If not, did they suffer from Psychosis? Psychosis is often described as a “loss of reality” or a “break from reality” because you experience or believe things that aren’t real:

An example for what some call loss of reality, some call it Psychosis is seeing things that other people don’t hear or see. Loten Dahortsang says in this video that Buddha rejected the believe, and it is all about to know or to experience things by ourselves. So what would have happened if a group of medical doctors sat by the oracle lake as well? At the oracle lake where the monks sah the road and the village which has lead those to the Dalai Lama the

If the medical doctors would not see the road and the village in the Oracle sea as well, would they not eventually diagnosis the monks to suffer from Psychosis or loss of reality? Could the monks not see things that other people can’t see?

Would then the medical doctors not give those the diagnosis Psychosis, and if so, be full of compassion for the monks and offer them their help?

We suppose that the diagnosis process of medical doctors is much more in depth and medically and scientifically justified. This describtion here is therefore labled as a joke of the MRIS. But we still think it is a joke which it is worth making, and eventually worth laughing about. Is a Psychosis something which is objectively measurable? And is possible to make out of the the finding process of the next Dalai Lama a scientific procedure?