Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

The worst case happened – stock market speculations with PiEEG has aleady has already begun!

Last Updated on February 11, 2024 by

PiEEG 4 channel was released in November 2023. And Pi EEG 8 channels was anounced in mid 2024. But we read today, that it is no longer available:

How could this happen? After we invested so much time in it which great things could be done with it?

And who knows if it will ever come back? And also how much time we invested to review PiEEG? These are 55 pages in our journal:

Is this the same strategy as Raspberry Pi seem to have? To get rid of smart reviewers, and then looking for the hobbists, as we described it previously in our journal?

It seems as our hypothesis is correct that developments based in the ADS1299 EEG chip are risky, as we wrote here:

So choose EEG devices based on single components and InfluxDB instead of EEG devices based on the ADS1299 EEC, which come and go depending on where the wind is blowing from. We observed similar phenomenon with OpenBCI modules on Aliexpress. Sometimes after critisim, sometimes for reasons we do not know, they disappeared from Aliexpress. And if we requested for those, they came back to Aliexpress. If you want to take part in this stock market game, go for it. But is this not the best proof that PiEEG is not a product with a stable price, but a product which is subject to stock market specualations? To avoid this, build EEG devices from single EEG components and InfluxDB.