Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

In Memoriam PiEEG

Last Updated on February 11, 2024 by

In memory of PiEEG we want to cite Shantideva’s Dedication Prayer

May all beings everywhere,
Plagued by suffering of body and mind.
Obtain an ocean of happyness and joy by virtuy or my merits.
May no living creature suffer, commit evil or even fall ill.
May no one be afraid or belittled, with a mind weightened down by depression.
May the blind see forms, and the deaf hear sounds.
May those who’s bodies who are toiled be restored on finding repose.
May the naked find clothing, the hungry find food.
May the thirsty find water and delicous drinks.
May the poor find wealth and those weak with shorrow find joy.
May the fornorn find hope,constant happiness and prosperity.
Those weak with sorrow find joy may the forlon find hope, constant happiness and prosperity.
May there be timely rains and bountiful harvests.
May all medicine be effective, and wholesome prayers bair fruit.
May all who are sick and ill,be quickly be freed from their ailments.
Whatever diseases are there in the world, may they never occur again.
May the frightened cease to be afraid, and those bound be freed.
May the powerless find power, and may people think of benefiting each other.
For as long as space remains, may I too remain.
To dispel the misery of the world,

And find a replacement of PiEEG.

We became interested in EEG over BITalino:

And then interested in OpenBCI over Krisztián Hofstädter:

And then in PiEEG over Ildar Rakhmatulin who builts Raspberry P’s to kill mosquitoes by laser:

But then PiEEG 8 channel EEG was not available anymore before it was introduced:

Which means the end of our love to PiEEG, even if it would resurrect it again.
Which really serious developer anounces a device, and then pulls it from the market before it is released? And we are in deep mourning for PiEEG. But time will heal all wounds and we will find a proper replacement for it.