Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Are sleep trackers Rob ter Horst tests suitable to do scientific studies with those?

Last Updated on December 25, 2023 by

15 USD monthly fee for a sleep tracker based on the Verity Sense:

With a validation paper which has a conflict of interest. Is it worth the money? Since the validation paper about the Polar H10 which was partly financed by Polar:

Which caused us a lot of work to give a full picture:

We are asking: can we trust papers with a conflict of interest?

The consequences all of this had for us personally concerning OHRs was that we basically had to let go of optical heart rate monitors reviewed by Rob ter Horst for our project.

Alternatively to the above sleep trackers we can use Apple watches which have a comparable accuracy as the tracker based on the Verity Sense.

Rob ter Horst offers no numerical and statistical data on his plots, and uses three different reference devices, Dreem 2 and Hypnomax Z, and a professional device.

Furthermore we have the Dreem2 two headband with a validation paper, but Dreem 2 is not on the market anymore for everyone.

Then we we have Muse S with a validation conference paper. We have mentioned it in our journal. This device has been reviewed by by Dr. Coady Rrall on his channel. Also this validation paper has a conflict of interest.

And both of these devices have accuracy values around 80 % compared to professional devices.

Are these devices suitable for scientific studies and if so for which one? These devices with their papers and their accuracy values remind us to the situation how it was with optical heart rate monitors.

Alternatively we can do sleep tracking based on OpenBCI

or PiEEG. These devices can be used for instance with the Python sleep software and offer up to 16 EEG channels. We suppose the more EEG channels are used the higher the accuracy is.

You can find information about these topic under the category “Sleep Tracking”

and under the tag “sleep tracking devices”