Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Are near death experiences (NDE) what it appears to be to the person having the experience or are those only illusion in his brain?

Last Updated on December 25, 2023 by

That near death experiences (NDE) are what it appears to be to the person having the experience is the most popular interpretation of NDE s. Similar to the topic meditation research we do not know of any nature and science papers about Near death experiences. We found the best review about Near death experiences on Wikipedia:

We do not know of any near death experience research institutes, but if we look at the data on wikipedia, we can see that there has been already done a lot of work about this topic, but we do not know of any ongoing near death experiences long-term studies, similar that we do not know of any ongoing long-term meditation studies. But research in these fields is in progress, as for instance a recent PNAS paper about gamma waves at the back of the head in the brains of dying persons:

Is it difficult to get a research grant or money for research topics like this?

Jean-François Revel once said to similar topics:

This has not been proofen
nor disproofen
it is difficult to proof or disproof
we do not know.

There is also Meditation-induced NDEs. A three-year study has revealed that some Buddhist meditation practitioners are able to willfully induce near-death experiences at a pre-planned point in time. The Dalai Lama the 14. has also asserted that experienced meditators can deliberately induce the NDE state during meditation, being able to recognize and sustain it.

There is knowledge there which say that such phenomena exists. But how to interpret those? We have a 4 000 year old human history who reports about such phenomena as well. And if we look at how many people are religious we see that worldwide more people are believers and non believers. And are all of these people people who believe in other people who are hallucinating?

The evolution theory of Charles Darwin is one of the theories which has been very good proofen by scientific evidence. Can we reject Charles Darwins evolution theory by saying, «but in the Bible it says that God created the word, the animals and us humans». But is this not controversial among scientists? Do we not miss for near death experiences a theory such as the evolution theory of Charles Darwin which is little controversial?