Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

19.20 We Suggest for Scientific Purposes to Develop Our Own HRM Device

Last Updated on August 22, 2023 by

for ECG based on OpenBCI:

For optical heart rate sensors, based on multiple DF Robot modules:

and HeartPy for noise reduction:

Optical heart rate monitors and chest straps are coming closer to the most accurate ECG devices, as far as accuracy is concerned:

We are convinced it is worth to build our own device and test those, since consumer grade devices are always updated, and there are no generally accepted and in a high quality journal well validated devices available. And if there are, they quickly become obsolete and may no longer be available. Consumer grade devices often change, own developments last longer, and there are no miracle devices available from consumer grade manufacturers, what they do, we can can try to build it ourselves.

We do not know, however, if it is possible. Whe did not test it. Do it at your own risk. But we think it is worth to give it a try.

See also this article: