Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

New hypothesis about OpenBCI made in China: especially designed for Peter Gamma from

Last Updated on February 24, 2024 by

The forum is quiet active. But most of them seem students and beginners. And most of them eventually need it for student projects and buy their product from
Peter Gamma from does not know of other users who where interested in Openbci made in China as the one he reported about. That is why it was never better or worse than it was now. It just looks as a pile of product which have been produced but there seem hardly other people to care about it than Peter Gamma. OpenBCI made in China was available after we wher looking in the EEVBLOG after an affordable alternative to And since that, OpenBCI made in China is there with the issues we describe under And I repeat, most of the OpenBCI users seem students who use it for student project, and not people who are looking for an affodable alternative to If that is the case, Peter would like to say thank you to the developers of openbci made in China and eventually test it.