Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Is there a future of the meditation research project after Richard Davidson?

Last Updated on February 24, 2024 by

Yes, there is. Since after Dilgo Kihenze Rhinoche has died, Dilgo Kihenze Yangsi Rhinoche was his successor, and after that Dilgo Kihenze Yangsi Yangsi Rhinoche will come, and then the next… until the end of time.. and none has investigated the Rhinoche’s on the long-term and in detail on a regular basis.

  • The meditation research project about the Rinpoche’s has just begun.
  • Is there anything in the meditation research project which can reproduced?
  • We first had the enlightened Dilgo Kihenze Rhinoche:

Then we have now the enlightened Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche:
  • And we had also before Dilgo Kihenze Rhinoche enlightened Rhinpoche’s.
  • And we will have after Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche the Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Yangsi Rinpoche.
  • And all of ths started with Buddha Siddharta Gautama, and it will continue until the end of time, since is being happy as those is everybody wishes.
  • And all of them are world great spiritual masters as Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche once said.
  • And we can learn a lot from them, as Peter Gamma from says.
  • But all of them are not brain scanned on a regular basis.
  • And no one as received a Nobel Prize in Medicine yet for doing research on those, altough Peter Gamma from think it is clearly a Nobel Prize topic.
  • And the Rinpoches have not been tested with OpenBCI either.
  • Testing of those just begun.

And Peter Gamma from agrees with what Arnaud Delorme says in this video:

It is a topic which is worth investigating.