Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

God, intuition, truth, conciousness and a conciousness which survives death – why can’t we find all of this explained in the journal «Nature»?

Last Updated on December 31, 2023 by

If we compare different religous traditions which exists since around 4 000 years, what we partly have done in our journal, we can see that God, Intuition, truth, conciousness are terms which sometimes are used synonymous to each other. Buddha rejected an objective reality, for him the reality is the perspective of the subjective perception.

Usually we trust our senses, and also those who report what we experience within ourselves.

A majority of people who experienced a near death experience are sure that what they experienced was real. But has this been published in in Nature?

Since 1 500 years people report about a life after death for instance in Egytpt, and about the rules how to get there. We suppose that these reports are based on the subjective perception of single subjects. And still all of this is not published in the journal «Nature».

Matter is indestructible, but conciousness is desctructible if it depends on brain function.

Many of these thinks have neither been finally proofen or disproofen,
It is diffult to proof or disproof,
We don’t know.
If someone knows all of this, please publish it in the journal «Nature».

Nature started in in 1869 and is a world’s leading multidisciplinary science journal. We usually trust in Nature, but can we also trust in God, our intuition, in what Jesus said, in what Kristof Koch writes in Nature about conciousness? If you know it, please publish it in the journal «Nature».