Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Gnumeric shortcuts for Pinephone users

Last Updated on October 23, 2023 by

  • This is taken from Appendix B. Keybinding Reference of the Gnumeric Windows manual.
  • Pinephone users have to check themselves if these are available as well on their Pinephone.
  • This appendix lists the keyboard shortcuts which are defined by default in Gnumeric.
  • Keybindings are combinations of keystrokes which tell an application to run a task.
  • These can greatly speed-up the user’s interactions with an application. Some of the most common ones are Ctrl+s to save a file or Ctrl+q to quit the application.
  • Gnumeric also comes with keybindings to make your spreadsheet experience faster.
  • Normally, keybindings are next to a command in a menu.
  • For example, if Save has Ctrl+s next to it, that means that Ctrl+s can be typed at the same time to save your file.
  • However, some keystrokes aren’t listed in the menus. They are as follows:

F2 sets the current cell for editing.

The cursor is inserted at the end of the current text.

Ctrl-O opens the Load file dialog window.

Ctrl-F3 opens the Define Name dialog window.

F4 repeat the last action.

Ctrl-G opens the Go to dialog window which allows you to jump to a specified cell.

Ctrl-H opens the Search and Replace dialog where you can search through your spreadsheets for text strings and replace them with something else.

Ctrl-F opens the Search Center.

The Search Center allows you to search through your spreadsheets for text strings.

Ctrl-~ Formats the current selection as a ‘General’.

Ctrl-$ Formats the current selection with the default currency

Ctrl-# Formats the current selection with default date style

Ctrl-^ Formats the current selection as superscript

Ctrl-@ Formats the current selection with the default time format

Ctrl-! Formats the current selection as a number with 2 decimal places.

Ctrl-& Adds a thin border around the current selection

Ctrl-_ Formats the current selection as subscript

Ctrl-$ Formats the current selection as the default currency

Ctrl-B or Ctrl-2 Toggles the boldness of the font in the current selection.

Ctrl-I or Ctrl-3 Toggles the italics of the font in the current selection.

Ctrl-U or Ctrl-4 Toggles single underlining of the current selection.

Ctrl-5 Toggles strikethrough of the current selection.

Shift-Ctrl-G Changes the keyboard focus to the current cell indicator described in the section called “Current Cell Indicator”.

Ctrl-a Select all cells on the currently focused sheet.

Some Gnumeric task can be contolled by short cuts and function keys In the Windows version of Gnumeric there is no option for macros or keyboard shortcuts remapping.