Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Does the scientist Rob ter Horst not use strange reference devices and methods, strange for a scientist that he uses these devices and methods?

Last Updated on February 24, 2023 by

For sleep tracking he used partly a professional polsysomography devices. Then he used the Dreem2 as a reference. For heart rate measurements he uses constantly the Polar H10 chest strap, which is not the most accurate device in every range. Are these the conditions of the manufacturers who give him the devices for testing?

We asked these questions before, but we ask them again, since we never receive an answer to these questions. Is it also part of a contract that this is not published? How does it serve then, the manufacturers or the costumers?

And why does Rob not test only the most accurate devices with the most accurate methods? Why does he instead test every Aura Ring? Because it gives views on his YouYoube channel, and with the views raises the money Rob receives from YouTube?

Is then in that case Rob a scientist who makes objective measurements? Or is he a product seller who sells us a product? Eventually without wanting it, has he become the slave of device manufacturers?

Or is he as we where a victim of device sellers. A victim that they cause trouble to him if he published something which lowers the sales rates?