HackEEG had a good signal quality in demos – do the ADS1299 TI demo kit, BEATS & PiEEG have a good signal quality as well?

If we compare the signal quality of HackEEG in the following example:

to the signal quality of OpenBCI:

We can see that it looks very similar. So is the statement that PiEEG is an abandoned prototype of Neurosity Crown with a noisy EEG signal only a rumour set in the world by William Croft from www.openbci.com without that he delivers any proof for it:


It is not the first time that William Croft makes wrong statements. Croft for instance claimed that the OpenBCI WIFI shield cannot be repaired by a hardware change. This is a wrong, you can repair the OpenBCI WIFI shield by a hardware change. You can find the information on www.petergamma.org:


Since Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org is interested in 32 channel EEG devices, the following demo devices appeared:

  1. 32 channel devices based on the ADS1299 demo kit by Texas Instruments from Indonesia
  2. HackEEG 32 by Adam Feuer based on Arduino DUE
  3. BEATS with 32 channels which is based on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 shields with a ADS1299 chip from Chinese developers.
  4. PiEEG from Ilar Rakmuldin from Russia. Rakhmatulin was research associate ath the Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom for two years.
  • By experience only view are interested in such devices.
  • For instance OpenBCI modules which are sold on eBay and Aliexpress where only tested by:
  • Stellarpower in the www.openbci.com forum
  • Jenelson in the www.openbci.com forum
  • alwayswearhats has given the instruction how to repair the hardware part of the OpenBCI WIFI shield in the www.openbci.com forum
  • And Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org has reviewed about all of this on his site.
  • But exept from that we know of hardly any new people who are interested in these devices.
  • This might be the explanation that we only know of view tests of the mentioned devices from 1 – 4.
  • We have here speculated about different devices which did not come onto the market, that they are eventually abandoned prototypes with noisy EEG signals:

This informations is eventually wrong. The ADS1299 is a great chip and suitable for medical and research grade applications. And eventually, if PiEEG works without issues, we do not need the other older devices anymore, it eventually can be used for many applications, but this first need to be tested. And software needs to be attached to PiEEG as well. Currently it has only a Python software interface.

It took about 3 years for Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org to have the necessary information and digest it, that OpenBCI modules on eBay and Aliexpress can be repaired in theory, and that it is worth trying for people with advanced soft- and hardware skills. And we suppose it will also take time until we we know more about PiEEG, it’s quality and what it can be used for.