Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Why these EEG devices up to 50 000 USD do not fit for us personally for our needs

Last Updated on April 18, 2024 by

1Muse headbandno SDK anymore
2OpenBCI Issues for instance with the WIFI shield are not resolved by since years
3 HackEEGA device which was only available for a short period of time.
4PiEEG Will it ever be availalbe sustainable for a stable price?
5mBrainTrain CEO Ivan Gligorijevic Sells the controversial Greentek Gelfree S3 EEG cap in TV shows in Serbia
6Greentek Gelfree S3 EEG capAn expensive EEG cap which is
not used in high-quality scientific papers to this date
7OpenBCI Galea Is very expensive for a device with a bit more than 16 channels 25 000 USD
8OpenBCI CEO RussomanoWe have put him on the same list as the controversial Swiss million heir & Zen priest Vanja Palmers950. Are the people on the following list people who have inherited a lot of money & are playing the fool now?
9 g.Nautilus Multi-Purpose EEG Headset very
high costs
for a 32 Ch EEG heatset
50 000 USD