Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Why Peter Gamma leaves & products which are based on the ADS1299 EEG chip from Texas Instruments

Last Updated on February 27, 2024 by

To be precisly, Peter Gamma was never a really serious member at, who was actively participating there in the community. And if he would be, he would leave now immediately.
And this following the example of Pinephone develper Martijn Braam who has left Pine64:

Products which are based on the ADS1299 EEG chip are target of demo makers who make decoy offers, pull those from the market, make marketing study to maximize profits out of it until they have lost their last costumer.

Similar things happened to Pinephone develpers Martijn Braam. Martijn left Pine64, since people wanted to maximize profit out of the Pinephone, a device which is not developed. And this is a procedure which kills every product. Demos are thrown onto the market, such as FreeEEG, HackEEG, PiEEG, and pulled from the market again, to see what happens and to see if it is possible to maximize profits out of it.

This is not possible, since Peter Gamma from as a long time observer of this market knows that this procedure makes people leave this product and decide for products which are based on TGAM modules, the ADS1115 16-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter, and InfluxDB:

Which have stable prices. Things which are on the market at a stable price such as OpenBCI made in China:

are interesting for Peter Gamma from, as long as they are available, on the market, and stable in price. But not products as the high priced products, the Hack and PiEEG’s which come and go, and do not seem be products which are reliable.