Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Why do we not find detailed information about the issues of the connectivity of OpenBCI Cyton on the site

Last Updated on February 19, 2024 by

When we wrote a review about these issues written by Peter Gamma from

099h. Why is OpenBCI not used for clinical and research applications?

Peter was a little bit angry. Often these kind of information about a product can be found on the product site. This seems not to be the case with OpenBCI Cyton. This uses a lot of time for OpenBCI users, especially for Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.orgWe experienced similar phenomenon at other sites and in other forums.

Forums are cleaned from posts which lower the sales rates. We felt like someone wanted to make us stop posting in some forums, to be able to offer us other products based on the same EEG chip by the same EEG chip seller.

Our trust is gone in YouTube video makers, forum supporters and WordPress sites which do have conflict of interests.