Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

NextCloudPi as a private cloud for mobile phone users?

Last Updated on January 11, 2024 by

I am against Emacs on the Pinephone to solve this problem as my friend here as well:

But we are promoting NextCloudPi which is well explained byApfelcast, we tested it and where able to run it:

I am promoting Abiword on the Pinephone altough it has hardly any keyboard shortcuts, and if if it is not sufficient to adapt LibreOffice for the Pinephone screen which is a lot of work but should work. Another solution is Gnumeric for the Pinephone. But also here LibreOffice is the better solution.

I went back to an Android phone with Softmaker Office for Android with Textmaker and Planmaker. These are one of the best Office applications for mobile phones I know. Then I am prepairing to use a Raspberry Pi running NextcloudPi for a cloud free data exchange to a PC, a complicated solution but still the best I could find. I would prefer a Pinephone where I can edit files on the external SD card and on my PC, something Android phones can’t do anymore. But to get it this to work reliably is a lot of work, too.

The Pinephone would be a great device for mobile office but only few (Emacs enthousiasts?) seem to use it for this purpose. And I think it is worth testing too if a solution based on Raspberry Pi as a mobile solution is not better than a Pinephone for mobile privacy office.