Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

What is wrong with Neurosity Crown which looks like a cow dung on computer scientists A.J. Kellers head?

Last Updated on February 29, 2024 by

Peter Gamma from does not believe a single word of what A.J. Kellers says. Is everything he says not read from a telepointer, dictated by a marketing agency and by electronic engineers who work for Texas Instruments?

And was Neurosity Crown not rather developed by the Texas Instruments electronics engineers with a market cap of $147.66 Billions a year rather than from A.J. Keller? In a team of 100 people or more, working in a laborartory which looks like the one of the Institute of Neuroinformatics (INI), University of Zurich & Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland:

And who believes that A.J. Keller suffers from ADHD? Does he not only say this to make promotion for his Neurosity Crown, to show later on that Neurosity healed him? And did A.J. Keller not sleep for week before this paid promotional video was filmed:

To show the viewers of A.J. Kellers video the miraculous effect of his Neurosity Crown in a video which he will be released later on? Is all of this not simply promotion?

And all of this cannot convince Peter Gamma to negotiate with the Texas Instruments electronics engineers about a contract to make money out of him. It is quiet the opposite, it scares him away. And Peter Gamma from is not interested anymore in an ADS1299 EEG device pre-built by Texas Instruments engineers. He rather starts to study instructions like these one here:

And he goes and studies the scientific literature in high-quality scientific journals, where it’s described in easy words, how he can build his on EEG device based on TGAM modules and InfluxDB.