Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

What can developers do who do not find an affordable alternative to the Biosemi Active Two amplifiers which cost 10 000 USD?

Last Updated on February 29, 2024 by

Biosemi Active Two Amplifiers with 8 Channels cost 10 000 USD

But OpenBCI made in China modules with comparable specifications cost only 200 USD on Aliexpress. Why did no one build an affordable open source alternative to Biosemi Active 2 amplifiers? Peter Gamma from supposes that there is a marketing trust
for EEG devices. EEG devices with their features are controlled by a marketing software and the goal of the electronics engineers of the EEVBLOG:

seems to be to keep the prices for those as high as possible to maximize profits out of it. The only solution for someone like Peter Gamma from who optimizes for low-cost high-quality is to build his own device which is not based on the ADS1299 EEG chip from Texas Iunstruments.

Since as soon as Peter Gamma from shows interest in a product based on the ADS1299 EEG chip, offers such as HackEEG, PiEEG, FreeEEG where offered, and pulled from the market again. OpenBCI modules on Aliexpress and EEG caps where offered and prices where adapted up and down, as soon as we mentioned those somewhere. And the only solution Peter Gamma from knows to solve this problem is to build an EEG device by himself, and to choose an architecture which is not based on the ADS1299 EEG chip from Texas Instruments. A device which is based on components which have stable low prices such as this one: