Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Thich Nhat Hanh – Demonstration of Walking Meditation & To use a Stryd or not to use a Stryd for Walking Meditation?

Last Updated on December 5, 2022 by

We found out in our experiments, that the Stryd foot pod records data below 4 km/h, which for instance a Suunto pod did not do.

The Stryd is the most accurate device of the devices which where reviewed here:

The Stryd foot pod does not need to be calibrated, but can. For an instruction how to do it, see fellrnr wiki.

A classical foot pod is almost as accurate as a Stryd, if well calibrated, as can be seen in the fellrnr review.

Is it worth to buy a Stryd foot pod for practicing walking meditation? This needs to be further investigated. We currently do not use reguarly foot pods for practicing walking meditation.

There are as far as whe know no data analysis software available for scientific analysis of walking meditation. The a training tracker app of Dr. Ing. Rainer blind counts the steps of foot pods, if the foot pod is connected over ANT+ to the app. But the app has no software interface to a data analysis software, for instance to Matlab, Python, Home Assistant or InfuxDB.