Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

The tragedy of Rob ter Horst – why the Quantitative Scientist Rob ter Horst will fail to quantify data from his smartwatches & write scientific papers with those?

Last Updated on February 18, 2024 by

Rob ter Horst tested 100 smartwatches for it’s accuracy:

To find out which one is the most accurate one. But to find out which is the most accuracy one can only be found out in a scientific study with numerical and statistical data. Scientific studies as the ones which where performed at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, which we reviewed here:

If Rob ter Horst would be a really serious athlete and wanted to find out which device is the most accurate one, would he not find out that the most accurate device is this g.tec multi purpose device from g.te medical for 50 000 USD:

This is our hypothesis after we have studied this topic intensively. The really serious athletes which where all cardiologists from the Cleveland Clinic Ohio investigated already this topic. They found out that for runs on a treadmill up to about 15 km/h, 3 channel ECG devices are the most accurate ones. Peter Gamma has already reviewed this on

This has basically been confirmed by Australian scientists who tested the Polar OH1 against a g.tec multi-purpose device. They gave up what Rob ter Horst tests. And they published their study about the Polar OH1 accuracy which they tested with a 50 000 USD g.tec medical device in PLOS ONE:

Which really serious athletes with a long-term goal publishes studies about consumer grade heart rate monitors in PLOS ONE, which they had performed with a such an expensive equipement? Only athletes who gave up this research topic?

Did also the researchers of g.tec medical give up this reserach topic? They wrote us that they do not know of a manufacturer who has solved the problem of ECG motion artifacts, they can only be reduced.

The only scientist which we know who continues this kind of reserach is Rob ter Horst, PhD. with his Polar H10 chest strap. Eventually happy about this are the business scientists who sell smartwatches. But which other really serious athletes are happy about Rob’s scientific studies on YouTube?

And our hypothesis is, that is the reason why really serious cardiologists use devices such as the Schiller CS-200 Touch Stress System with Treadmill which costs $22,995.00:

For runs on this treadmill up to about 15 km/h, and no other equipment such as Polar H10 chest strap. And they use the Schiller CS-200 Touch Stress System with Treadmill for clinical and reserach application. For these applications, the devices the scientist Rob ter Horst quantifies are not interesting, since they deliver data which cannot be reproduced. This is the hypothesis Peter Gamma has formulated after he has written 256 posts about optical heart rate monitors on

And Peter Gamma suggests to use only 3 channel ECG devices for really serious athletes, and to do only scientific studies with those up to 15 km/h on a treadmill, and not to investigate intense activities with strong body movements at all. Since device developers such as those from g.tec medical know of now manufacturer which offers devices which can investigate intense activities with strong body movements at the level of the accuracy of g.tec medical devices.