Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

The study group of Laghsam Tibetan Meditation in Zurich – who is the boss there & who is responsible for what happens there?

Last Updated on April 30, 2024 by

The following picture shows the Study Group of Lhagsam Tibetan Meditation Study Group
in Zurich in 2015:

But who is the boss there? Is it Robina Curtin who flies from U.K. to Zurich and back to teach there «The Gradual and Complete Path to Enlightenment 1/13»?

(Click next to see the next video of the series.) Robina Curtin can be seen in th middle of the above picture. On a weekly basis teachers from around the world fly to Zurich and back to teach in Zurich. But who pays for these flights? Is it FPMT?

The FPMT is an organization devoted to preserving and spreading Mahayana Buddhis worldwide:

But who is the chief of FPMT, and who takes responsibility for this foundation? Is there no other solution to find teacher who teaches in Zurich, than those who fly there? For instance a residual teacher or video teaching? Or are these teachers and students who go there very rich, and do not care about money?

And how is this for Tibetans who live in Switzerland? If we watch the following video about the Tibet Institute Rikon Switzerland:

Do they not have a budget which is lower than Laghsam, for instance what flights is concerned, or for facilites, teachings, etc.? And what do the Tibetans who live in Switzerland say about Laghsam in Zurich? Tibetans are controlled by Chinese spies in Switzerland. We reported about this on this site. And it is risky for those to critisize for instance the Chinese opccupation in Tibet. We have reportet about this as well on this site. A Tibetan who dares to critizise for instance the Chinese occupation is Loten Dahortsang in the following video:

Are Tibetans who live in Switzerland scared to critizise other people because of what happened in the past? And if the Tibetans do not critisize what happens at Laghsam Tibetan Meditation in Zurich, Peter Gamma from does critizise Laghsam for the reasons he has discussed on this site.