Last Updated on March 27, 2024 by

According to his .cv he is very well educated:
Higher School of Economics Moscow
- Master’s degree
- Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
- 2015 – 2017
- Grade: 4.5/5
National Research Nuclear University Moscow
- Bachelor’s degree
- Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
- Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 2011 – 2015
- Grade: 4.4/5
According to LinkedIn Parfenov is BrainFlow creator: Jul 2018 – Present. In this video published 2 years ago we can see how simple he lives:
Accroding to LinkedIn Parfenov is Software Engineer, Open Source Contributor and Maintainer, Author of BrainFlow:
In his cv. it furthermore says:
- He is Staff Engineer @ Arm Trondheim, Trøndelag, Norway
- Full-time
- Oct 2023 – Present
- arm Norway is a semiconductor company based in Trondheim, Norway founded in 2001, as a spun off of a 1998 research project from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.[1][2]
- It was acquired by ARM Holdings in June 2006, and renamed to Arm Norway.[3]
- Arm Norway works with Arm’s Cambridge and Austin design centres to develop graphics processing units for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, DirectX and Vulkan three-dimensional rendering, with emphasis on low electric power consumption, suitable for use in portable devices like mobile phones.
- But if we click on the Arm logo on Linkedin, we come to Arm Semiconductor Manufacturing Cambridge which has 5 000 – 10 000 employees.
- Arm is a big company with many employees.
- The reason we came to the hypothesis that BrainFlow developer Andrey Parfenov participates in secret brain scan studies:
- comes from the fact that he works for Arm, a big comany which is located in Cambridge.
- Arm Holdings plc is a British semiconductor and software design company based in Cambridge, England
- Arms primary business is the design of central processing unit (CPU) cores that implement the ARM architecture family of instruction sets 5 000 – 10 000 employees: