Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

The agony of the ADS1299 EEG chip from Texas Instruments

Last Updated on February 24, 2024 by

What happens with products which are based on the ADS1299 EEG chip reminds us strongly to what happened with the Raspberry Pi5. It took ages until the production of Rasperry Pi`s started again. And when the Raspberry Pi5 came, it was a product in which our trust was gone. We are currently happy with the old Raspberry Pi 4, but not with EEG products which cost 2 000 USD, have 16 EEG channels and only Bluetooth transmission. Products based on TGAM modules and InfluxDB are more interesting than those.

But we heard the opinion that it is not possible to make money out of products below those who are offered from The situation is similar with It is not possible to make money out of it, no matter how hard someone tries. It is the same as trying to make money out of Ajahn Amaro, who has no money since 1984: