Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Stock market speculations – the end of products which are based on the Texas Instruments ADS1299 chip?

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by

When OpenBCI modules started selling on Aliexpress and eBay, their costs seemed to be linked to the costs of TGAM modules sold on Aliexpress. Which means that an OpenBCI Cyton modules costed around the same as 8 individual TGAM modules, which makes sense.

But the costs for these modules where scattered randomly from which we suppose that it is controlled by a marketing software, to find out how much money people are ready to spend for these products.

We had a similar phenomenon with modules sold from, HackEEG and PiEEG. All of these contain the ADS1299 chip, and these products have become cheaper one after the other. But as the example of the Dreem 2 headband has shown, people who do stock market speculations and use marketing software an also refers this process. The Dreem 2 became more expensive.

If someone would base his development on PiEEG and writes papers with it, the value of this product increases. And the risk is there that PiEEG is pulled from the market and replaced by a product which is more expensive. But for us personally this would eventually mean the end of our interest in products which use the Texas Instruments ADS1299 chip, and to turn towards TGAM modules and InfluxDB. And who wants to do research on this topic? So is it for paper writers therefore not better to start right away with TGAM modules and InfluxDB?

And as a final consequence new products which are based on the Texas Instruments ADS1299 chip are not interesting, but new instructions as this ones: