Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Price comparison GE Stress Test System with eBike vs Treadmill on eBay

Last Updated on November 21, 2023 by

GE Stress Test System with eBike:

GE Stress Test System with Treadmill:

The eBike system is available in France 3 hours by train from Zurich. The treadmill system is 8 00 USD more than the eBike system. But the treadmill system is only available in the US and shipping from US to Switzerland is more than 2 000 USD extra. Who pays that much to import a treadmill which weights 200 kg from the US to Switzerland? Is not a Xiaomi treadmill with OpenBCI a real bargain compared to this even if we have to build the uplift system by ourselves?

Even if we want a higher quality treadmill, instead of importing one from the US where shipping costs are more than 2 000 USD, we can buy the Matrix S-Force Performance Trainer which is sold as the “best treadmill of all time” (new price about 6500 USD) used for about 2000 USD on Ricardo Switzerland:

and build an ECG stress system from it by ourselves. But can the “best treadmill of all times” be controlled in Python? We did not find any information about that: