Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

People we miss to join the projects of the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Last Updated on January 3, 2024 by

Scott W Harden, DMD, PhD

Scott W Harden has a formal education in molecular biology, dentistry, and neuroscience, but he is passionate about computer programming and electrical engineering.:

How To Electronics, Electronics Engineer from Canada

How To Electronics has a passion for all things electronics by providing tutorials, reviews, and projects that will help you learn and create your own electronic devices. His channels covers a wide range of topics such as Microcontroller Programming, PCB Design, Robotics, IoT, Power Electronics, Embedded Systems & Smart Home Automation. He believes that electronics engineering is not just a job, but a hobby that can be enjoyed by anyone. Whether you’re a student, a maker, or a professional, his channel is the perfect place to learn, create, and have fun with electronics.

Rob ter Horst. PhD.

Rob is a data-scientist who analyses immunological data for work, and data about himself and different wearables as a hobby. To make science more accessible to the public, he write blogs for “Faces of Science” and create vlogs about science on YouTube. He started a Postdoctoral position at the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine in Vienna Austria.

Cody Rall MD

He is the founder of the YouTube channel Techforpsych. Techforpsych is to help you navigate the world of Neurotechnology. Dr. Cody is a U.S. Navy trained Psychiatrist and Neurotechnology expert.

As well as all others interested in our projects

Preferentially those with the qualifications of Scott Harden, How To Electronics, Rob ter Horst and Cody Rall.

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