Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

NeuroKit2 instruction points to an ECG YouTube instruction which uses 3 ECG leads for a 2 lead configuration?

Last Updated on December 28, 2022 by

NeuroKit2 shows in their instruction how to do ECG recording with good quality signals:

The instruction points to a YouTube video which shows a 2 lead ECG configuration with 3 leads:

Does the instructor of the YouTube video know the exact definition of leads, which we ourselves did not find yet, which was defined by definer in which we trust? There are many instructions which contradict each other in that respect, or are unclear.

Neurokit2 also points to a manual to improve the ECG recording:

Maybe an experienced cardiologist who publishes in high quality papers can help? Our trust in these instructions on YouTube is gone.

1 lead, 2 lead, 3 lead, 12 lead, which is the most accurate configuration? A paper by cardiologist Dr. Milind Desai from Cleveland Clinic in Ohio says that 3 lead ECG is the gold standard for HR measurements. We trust in the statement in Dr. Desais paper.

The link to the paper:

We have published here a table of medical and reserach grade ECG devices with their specifications. If we study this table, we understand much better the complex issue of ECG reference devices: