Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Meditation made easy before and after the evalution of the MRIS?

Last Updated on January 8, 2024 by

before the evaluation:

evalutation of the MRIS:

after the evalution:

The Ultracortex “Mark IV” EEG Headset with 16 channels is unassembeled $ 799.99 USD in the shop:

This is only the EEG headset and does not include a Cyton board. But there are alternatives to the Ultracortex on the market on eBay and Aliexpress which say that they offer the same functionality and cost less. An EEG device with OpenBCI 16 ch. and headset is currently available for starting from around 1000 USD (without shipping & import taxes) This is around 2.5 times more than a Muse 2 from TechStudio in Switzerland (costs may vary):

But the OpenBCI setup offers WIFI, 4 x more EEG channels, more software options, and is better suitable for scientific studies in our home lab than the Muse 2. But we haven’t tested this setup if it is as easy for daily use as the Muse headband, although it has many advantages compared to it.