Developing a low-cost high quality multi-sensor device based on InfluxDB – will open source developer do it?

Last Updated on November 15, 2023 by

We estimate as setup consisting of the sensors presented in our journal would cost about 100 000 USD, similar to a 32 channel g.tec medical setup with all features. But can we have this not cheaper, a development similar to Home Assistant? Home Assistant is for for house sensors, but how about a low-cost high quality physiological multi-sensor device based on InfuxDB? But we have on plan to develop this and publish it.

. When we are not doing anything at all, bodily, mentaly, on no level, when all activity has ceases and we simply are, just be, and without any coding:

and wait until pationate open source coders do it.

Osho said there is not need to know all kind of meditation. Only one method might be sufficient, for instance the following taught by Osho:

  • There is no need for all the devices we reviewed in our journal for technology assisted and tracked meditation (altough they might be helpful).
  • We eventually just wait now until all the sensors intruduced in our journal are connected to Home Assistant and a Raspberry Pi image is available to download and start it to do physiology.

We suppose sooner or later such a Raspberry Pi or whatever image will be available to download, and we suppose also that there are people who are more skilled to connect these sensors to a data analysis software than we are. So we just wait and use just the basic devices which are available. And whatever sensors there will be available and are easy to use for data analysis for physiogists like us we will use to analyse our daily meditation practice.

Everything is already available in Matlab, but is it worth the money? For us such a device is currently just a home trainer. And who spents 10 000 to 100 000 USD for a home trainer? We eventually could build it by ourselves, but if we would it and calculate the costs how much time it takes to build it, we estimate the device presented in our journal would cost around 100 000 USD as well. And why reinvent the weel and develop once more such a device? g.tec medical offers it already. But we suppose sooner or later we will have a Raspberry Pi image with all the sensors for free.

So we are currently happy with our newgen medical treadmill, our Polar OH1, our Fenix 6, our OpenBCI Cyton which is still in the box, and the Epoc Flex 32 which we haven’t bought yet, and without having any data in a data analysis software and practice Oshos medation and just be.

We already have open source software such as Golden Cheetah, OpenSignals, OpenBCI GUI and Neurokit2, but we suppose also that a kind of Home Assistant for physiology will take longer to develop than Home Assistant since the community of developers of physiolgocial devices is small.

We suppose sooner or later there will be more Meditation Research Institutes (MRIS) as the MRIS around the world, and we hope that one will be directed by a computer scientist. The MRIS has written 2390 posts, and if there is a computer scientists who directs a MRIS and writes 2390 repositories on his GITHUB the problem will be solved and we will be very happy with the software he offers to us.

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