Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Maurice Abou Jaoude – research engineer at Interaxon – does he have a conflict of interest in his papers about the Muse S?

Last Updated on November 24, 2023 by

Jaoude is first author of the validation paper about the Muse S:

We are happy that Maurice Abou Jaoude hold a Master of Science (Msc) in Bioengineering (2015 – 2017) at a Swiss quality university and that is the EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne).

But all the same Jaoude works for Interaxon Inc. and we are asking the question, does Jaoude have a conflict of interest in his papers about the Muse S? We haven’t a conflict of interest in our journal:

And we suggest therefore to write sleep tracker validation papers based on OpenBCI or PiEEG and the Python sleep software:

These devices eventually cost less and are more accurate. This is a suggestion of an author who does not have a conflict of interest but is looking for the best low-cost high-quality devices for costumers.