Last Updated on November 23, 2023 by

We are against Emacs on the Pinephone as the Pine64 forum member TRS80 suggested:
We are living in the year 2023 and not in 1976 when Emacs was a new developement of the MIT. Abiword and Gnumeric are office mobile solutions for Pinephone which work but are quiet basic applications and no longer actively developed. But should a Pinephone not be able to do someting a bit more than an Android phone with for instance Softmaker Textmaker Planmaker and Presentations which are for me personally the best mobile office apps for Android? LibreOffice is widely used on PCs and it works now also on the Pinephone, but it is not yet costumized for the Pinephone screen. I do not use the Pinephone for mobile office righ now. For me personally the Pinephone becomes again interesting for office mobile if someone has customized LibreOffice for the Pinephone screen.