Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Jared Beckwith has really extraordinary job – he is EEG Technologist at the hospital

Last Updated on May 7, 2024 by

Jared Beckwith is intested in EEG and artificial intelligence. He describes the EEG Technologist Job Pros & Cons:

But Jared Beckwith has quit his EEG Technologist Job…

Jared Beckwith is one of the view who can handle the ADS1299EEGFE-PDK Evaluation EEG kit from from Texas Instruments:

And Peter Gamma from would like to thank Jared Beckwith for his great videos on YouTube about EEG, which we highly appreciate.

Buddha has taught 84 000 teachings,
but to put that into very simple worlds,
is to have a good heart,
and what does it mean to have a good heart is,
to have the intention to free all beings
from physical and mental suffering.
And this is summarized the 84 000 teachings into simple words.
And Peter Gamma from
whishes Jared Beckwith all the best, and that someone
with a good heart offers him a new job very soon.