Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Last Updated on June 15, 2022 by

Jacob Crume is a Robotics Student in New Zealand that loves to tinker. In his spare time, he loves firing up virtual machines and trying out new distros, as well as customizing his setup to maximize his productivity.

On Youtube, there are countless videos about the PinePhone and what it can do. The Internet Privacy Guy is asking, is it a phone or a computer, and TechHut shows installation of Nextcloud & Minecraft Server, but demos about the PinePhone and LibreOffice are rare, and show manly the startup of LibreOffice.

Therefore, we are happy about the statement on of the Robotics Student from New Zealand Jacob, who used the PinePhone daily for a year. Jacob wrote, that

“I often found myself using the PinePhone with an external monitor using it’s included dock, and I was surprised how capable the PinePhone is as a laptop, and I often found myself editing documents in LibreOffice”.

Other PinePhone users say, LibreOffice is not usable on the phone screen, or is buggy: