Last Updated on April 19, 2024 by
The following information could be found on this product page:
- Relationship, in order to reduce the cost of the DIYer, this part of the delivery will not be included.
DIY statement:
- If you buy it, you agree to the above change, and you have no objections.
- This store does not accept unreasonable returns due to alterations.
- Our store only provides technical support for the DIY part of the store.
- The technical support of this DIY part is mainly to provide openbci diy modification schemes and circuit boards, and to realize the verification of the basic functions of openbci [blink, heart rate]),
- about eeg for application and research, please refer to the official research documents and application documents, as well as the research, analysis and application of some foreign talents.
- This store only contains some documents.
- this statement applies to all openbci-related products in this store.
Issues of the OpenBCI made in China products sold on Aliexpress
- not all of the information is clear for us personally how to understand it.
- the main part is there of the information.
- Does OpenBCI on Aliexpress not have a dolmetcher for Chinese to English?
- If not, this seems not to be the main problem. Since if the documentation is properly and clear in Chinese, should it not also be clear and proper if translated by Google Translate from Chinese to English? This let’s us conclude, that very little efford was made to write this documentation, but this is what is not urgently necessary.
- But what is necessary is to know which OpenBCI modules work properly and which have issues.
But what is necessary is to know which OpenBCI modules work properly and which have issues.
- This has been discussed by Peter Gamma from
- We conclude from this information, that this is not sold a seller wo is entangled with
- But it eventually could be entangled with a seller which is entangled with Texas Instruments, USA, which offers a low-quality product on Aliexpress and eBay
We conclude from the information in this documentation, that this is not a seller wo is entangled with But is it entangled with with Texas Instruments, USA? In that sence, that this is a low-quality product sold on Aliexpress and eBay. And those wo want to buy a product which is free from issues have to buy it from, since they do not have an alternative which confirms issue-free products.
We know of no users who confirmed that OpenBCI products sold on eBay and Aliexpress work. Also in the product feedback we cannot be find somewhere positive feedbacks of happy users who confirm that these products work properly.
Is all of this an Texas Instruments internal marketing stragedy and a marketing trust for products which are based on the ADS1299 chip from Texas Instruments? No one could convince us to this date that this hypothesis is not true.