Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Is not a key message of this book that a daily practice of 20 meditation leads to changes in th brain which can be objectively measured?

Last Updated on March 5, 2024 by

But is it possible to make money out of this objectively measurable changes in the brain? Only in that sense that is was possible to publish a best-selling book «Altered Traits» But what else? The book also shows that a daily practice of 20 min meditation is not something wihch interesting for pharmaceutical companies, bancs, and insurance companies. Those who eventually where the main funders ho funded the book. And these eventually where also interested in publishing the book, since it showed that it is not worth investing more in mediation research, since it was basically not possible to make mony out of it to this date, exept as selling a best-selling book?