Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

How much money can be made out of PiEEG, if Ildar Rakhmatulin or someone else would bring it back to the market?

Last Updated on February 14, 2024 by

Did someone make a lure offer to use to find out how much money can be made out of PiEEG?

If so, he has now a market analysis about PiEEG from Peter Gamma from the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS). He can find it under the tag «PiEEG» in our journal:

Ildar Rakhmatulin wrote on:

«This project (PiEEG) is the result of several years of work on the development of BCI. We want to provide an easy way to get started with biosignals to use a shield. We will try to reveal the process of reading EEG signals as fully and clearly as possible.»

And Peter Gamma from the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS) has studied the market of HackEGG and PiEEG over the last several years, and is now an expert about this topic.

If now the product PiEEG is there, but already has been pulled from the market again, and also a market analysis about it’s value as well: how much money can be made out of PiEEG for the next one who want to sell this product?

If Ildar Rakhmatulin would bring PiEEG back to the market, would he be able to sell it for 10 000 USD to Flavio Frohlich and the physiology students fo Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich?

No, surely not. We suppose these would rather buy Biosemi Active Two amplifiers with 8 channels which cost 10 000 USD as well. Since they have been proofen to be suitable to do scientific studies with it. PiEEG has only been used in introductionary papers to this date.

So how much money would costumers be ready to pay for PiEEG as an OpenBCI sucessor or add-on? PiEEG was sold for a reasonable price by Ildar Rakhmatulin:

  • PIEEG 4 channels was sold for $325 $8 US Shipping / $18 Worldwide
  • PiEEG 8 channels PiEEG board with 8 channels $450 $8 US Shipping / $18 Worldwide

But are costumers now ready to pay more after Peter Gammas marketing analysis? Eventually there are some, but Peter Gamma is not one of those.

If PiEEG would be relaunched for a higher price, Peter Gamma would decide against it, and we suppose also Flavio Frohlich and the physiology students of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich.

If PiEEG would be relaunched for a higher price, Peter would decide for this device:

and this software platform:

To avoid products which have markting trusts and do stock market speculations.