Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

How can increase the accuracy of the low-cost sleep trackers which are on the market?

Last Updated on March 11, 2024 by

We will most probably not buy a professional Polysomnography device for our home lab. And nobody has build this «Gold standard Polysomnography device based on OpenBCI» yet:

So we can buy an old Dreem 2 on eBay:

We can buy a Muse S:

We can buy a Polar Verity Sense Sleep tracker:

  • All of these devices have validation papers.
  • But all of these have only an accuracy of about 80 percent.
  • So we can try to use all three devices at the same time, and can calculate the average of it which should have an accuracy with is higher than 80 percent.