Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

«Hobby» business scientists who control the market for EEG devices up to 50 000 USD?

Last Updated on January 1, 2024 by

We reviewed EEG devices for meditators on 410 pages during the last view years in our journal:

What stroke us is that products from US and Canada have become less interesting for Swiss during the last view years.

We have experienced that Interaxon has pulled their SDK from the market. To get data from the Muse headband it is basically only possible with the Mind Monitor. does not offer the WIFI shield since years anymore, although it is for us personally one of the most interesting module of OpenBCI.

Who buys instead Neurocity Crown from which we suppose it contains a repaired WIFI shield? Eventually «hobby» business scientists who control the market, and want to force us to buy this device if we want WIFI transmission? We won t do this, since the snake like architecture does not fits our needs.

The next product on the market controlled by «hobby» business scientists seem to be mBrainTrain which offers only Bluetooth transmission. This does not fit the needs of the MRIS either.

What would fit our needs is the g.tec medical multi-purpose device with 32 channels, but not it s costs of 50 000 USD. So what remains is OpenBCI 16 channel and a WIFI shield which currently is only available from Chinese sellers. But which one of those offers the issue-free version?

We think it is highly desirable that some smart and really serious and professional scientists build up new EEG devices based on PiEEG and Raspberry Pi as soon as possible to make the devices we mentioned here obsolete. Swiss physiologists like us highly desire products form really serious and professional scientists also for their private projects and not devices controlled by «hobby» business scientists. Did these «hobby» business scientists ever test these EEG devices and know what can be done with those? Or are they only scientists which sit on a desk with a PC software and control a spreadsheet with all the features and the costs? The second option seems to be more likely for us personally from what we experienced during the last view years.

When will we be able to say EEG devices up to 50 000 USD are dead, long live PiEEG with 32 channels? We do not know in which year, but all the same the MRIS wishes a happy new year 2024.