Last Updated on February 11, 2024 by
Since severals we had reviewed almost any device which contains the TI’s ADS1299 EEG chip. But altough we have a very strong interest in low-cost high-quality EEG devices wich up to 32 channel, we retreated of
product which contains the TI’s ADS1299 EEG chip.
We where interested with all of our heart in it but we retreated from ANY product which contains the TI’s ADS1299 EEG chip with a broken heart.
Which developers are breaking the hearts of costumers with a strong interested in their products? Only those who have given up the product and want to sell it until it is dead and disappears from the market.
As developers who develop with all of their heart, we don’t choose the the TI’s ADS1299 EEG chip as your platform for developments. We choose products which are based on single electronics components and InfluxDB for it: