Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Grasping Infinity EEG tools released the neurofeedback Quadrant Harmony – why is there no version for PiEEG?

Last Updated on December 22, 2023 by

Grasping Infinity, just released a new neurofeedback tool called Quadrant Harmony. Its a combination of the best parts of all of the most popular apps he has made it gives you audio feedback in the form of pitch and volume for any brainwave band and sensor. Choosing sounds of your choice and allowing multiple instances to run at the same time.

Grasping Infinity uses the Muse Headband and Mind Monitor. We are promoting to develop these kind of apps also on PiEE with at least 32 channels:

with audio feedback when alpha waves are high and gamma waves in the left prefrontal cortex. You can find 32 channel EEG devices in our journal, but

a good starting point is PiEEG 4 channel due to it’s low price, simplicity of the hardware setup and Python support. Orders for PiEEG board with 4 channels placed now ship Jan 31, 2024:

We have written 605 pages in our journal about EEG devices and we know what we are talking about.