Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

For office on mobile phones – the Pinephone & LibreOffice or an Andrdoid phone & Softmaker Office?

Last Updated on February 1, 2024 by

We shared our experience with the Pinephone and LibreOffice here:

We do not use LibreOffice on the Phonephone since we had to adapt it to the phone screen which is a lot of work.

This work as already been done by Softmaker:

Softmaker for Android apps are similar to the desktop variants, we suppose it is the same software adapted to the phone screen and touchable.

So why to adapt LibreOffice to the Pinephone screen if we have Softmaker Office for Android?

Our answer is clearly to choose Softmaker for Android as long as no one adapts LibreOffice to the Pinephone screen.