Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Do we have already a statistical relevant group of Tenzin Michael’s around the world whe are trained with brain scanners?

Last Updated on March 7, 2024 by

Since Tenzin Michael was ordinated as a monk the same year as when Richard Davidson’s paper was realeased:

And he eventually is trained with a brain scanner. This is the hypothesis of Peter Gamma from Buddhist monks who grew up in Switzerland are rare. But not rich Swiss families who could fund such a training for a family member:

Others could be:

Rafael Ferrer:

Stephan Pende:

Francesca Paoletti:

and eventually all other teachers who teach at Laghsam, and keep silent about the scientific data which they had with brain scannes, since they where not very good?

Do good scientific data still missing of meditators in brain scanners? And if they would be there, would these new teachers introduced one after the other in meditation retreat centers such a Laghsam, Mount Sasha, etc. together with brain scanners?