Peter Gamma (Physiologist & Director) Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

Can meditation retreat centers and meditation research centers be financed in Switzerland?

Last Updated on February 21, 2024 by

Can meditation retreat centers ins Switzerland be financed if they are not supported?

  • Peter Gamma from does not of a center which is sustainable and has an income which has been published.

Can meditation teachers in Switzerland make money out of what they do?

  • Where can we book courses for these three successful Swiss teachers?

Loten Dahortsang is eventually a meditation teacher who can money out if it in Switzerland

  • Loten Dahortsang has rich friends in Switzerland such as Grieder Zurich:–Brand-DE&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA29auBhBxEiwAnKcSqh7shqi_rBv5GFX58Rj12hmojAMvM7FTBvsRdh1as31nkoWG9mvOFhoCgswQAvD_BwE

  • Is it required to have rich students to make money out of meditation teachings, such as in the example of Osho?